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Saturday 29 September 2012

Week four Term One!

This week proved to be a bit challenging! From the fact that it was a long weekend last week to having to attend CAC Training .I was in school for a total of TWO days! Difficult is the word I choose to use to describe this week as i am left with numerous questions in my mind as to how to proceed with various situations. how do i adequately cover work with my students and be absent from school to attend Continual Assessment Component (CAC). How do I ensure that what I am doing will benefit them? How do I ensure that when i return I don't have to go back to square one?
Personally how do i ensure that my son gets proper health care for a problem that I am confused about?
really need this !!!!! 
Please donate to the teacher cause i need ideas, and so much more. 
Another month has come to an end and as such all teachers are finding it soooo difficult to meet the needs of their families. After paying for utilities and other bills there is NO money left for groceries or any other expenses. When will the negotiations end?

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