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Saturday 29 September 2012

Week four Term One!

This week proved to be a bit challenging! From the fact that it was a long weekend last week to having to attend CAC Training .I was in school for a total of TWO days! Difficult is the word I choose to use to describe this week as i am left with numerous questions in my mind as to how to proceed with various situations. how do i adequately cover work with my students and be absent from school to attend Continual Assessment Component (CAC). How do I ensure that what I am doing will benefit them? How do I ensure that when i return I don't have to go back to square one?
Personally how do i ensure that my son gets proper health care for a problem that I am confused about?
really need this !!!!! 
Please donate to the teacher cause i need ideas, and so much more. 
Another month has come to an end and as such all teachers are finding it soooo difficult to meet the needs of their families. After paying for utilities and other bills there is NO money left for groceries or any other expenses. When will the negotiations end?

Saturday 22 September 2012

This week we will be  celebrating the feast  of the Arch angels so will be adding some stuff as the week goes on!

Place Value to Millions

math song (place value to the millions)

Reflecting on Week Three.....

Oh and what a week it has been! Sometimes trying, sometimes challenging, sometimes frustrating... but it is done and many things have been accomplished!
Last Saturday to help me to rejuvenate and relax I visited one of the most beautiful Rivers in Trinidad and spent a few hours relaxing in the cold fresh water! Oh how relaxing. This helped in the reflecting and resting that i had done in the previous week!
Monday saw me go to school and what i do best which is bring about learning in the minds of my charges.
Tuesday saw that i was not feeling well but I went to school because i know my students depend on me and I want to be the instrument of change in their lives! Unfortunately by the time i got home I was feeling worst and had to visit the Hospital for Emergency care due to severe tingling pain along my right side ! Teaching is stress and so too is life and the both having a tremendous effect on me!
Wednesday is was told that I am to attend CAC Workshop for Drama!!! I had to drive to Rio Claro and talk bout Drama, well only 9 out of 29 persons showed up and the building which we had to use had NO electricity for the a.m. period! However the activities were A LOT of fun and we did a lot to be incorporated in the classroom!
Thursday i again attended CAC  Workshop for drama but I visited the St Mary's Government Primary school and completed the session there. Again it was very interesting and therefore I will be implementing some if not all of these in my class!
Friday I went to school and and found myself very irritated by the lack of respect for the property of the teacher. Students lack so much respect that they believe that all things belong to them, well after the lecture i gave i feel sure that it will never happen again.
Its Saturday , as i write and as most teacher I am unable to have any type of entertainment due to it not being the month's end thus NO money!!!!! How sad it is that teachers must live under such situations no matter how hard they try to improve their status. When will the powers that be see that we need to be paid fairly!

I Love my Country
Happy 36th Republic Day Trinidad and Tobago 
 Monday 24th September 2012

Saturday 15 September 2012

Catching up on Week two

So here i am on this cool Saturday morning and as i listen to the music of the radio i feel every word reflective of what happened this week! the song being played is "River of Tears" by Baron. This week continued to be one of challenges and as such teachers were asked to Rest and Reflect on our conditions. So here goes... the week in review:
Sunday stayed at home and planned work for the week to ensure that I am fully prepared for my charges!
Monday: students who did not attend school last week attended and started their academic year! Now this trips me cause if they did not come last week then teachers CANNOT be blamed for they "missing out on five crucial days of learning!" One difficulty that i am experiencing is that of some students not completing given task within a specified time! Need to review my strategies and plan for their inclusion in the lessons.
Tuesday: Continued to work with pupils and contemplating the benefits of doing Journals and other note task with students so as to develop skills. These are a group of students who need as much support as necessary but it only happens in the school!
Wednesday: It is so hot and uncomfortable in the classroom, ventilation is poor although there are lots of windows and one fan for 17 individuals is not enough! To be working in a classroom which is blocked by blackboards and cupboards all aid to the noise level and the stifling heat of the school! Working conditions must be improved!!!!!!!
Thursday: I heeded the call to REST AND REFLECT.... i had to clarify some misunderstanding on one radio station! John Public forget that teachers are people too and as such they tend to say all sorts of things about what we do , but can they do what we do? I dare any person to come and try to do what i do for ONE day and then we will talk!
Friday: I heeded the call to continue to R and R but I also chose to join with my colleagues to   make John Public aware of our needs!

Tuesday 11 September 2012

My Number, Your Number

My Number, Your Number

found this site and just linked a topic so that we can refer to it later on, great site for the teaching of Maths!

Saturday 8 September 2012

Catching up!!!!!!!!!

So i have alot to say about alot of things for the past week so here goes!

Sunday- preparing to return to school.... scary and exciting. Wanting to return to work but at the same time sadden by not getting a transfer :(
Monday- Arrived at work and whooo hoooo! Found myself between two levels.... first year infants and standard four! was asked to give a little help because a colleague was ill! At the end of the day i could just collapse due to the heat! Finally visited my class and did the introduction and welcome!
Tuesday- found myself between two levels again and students who did not want to being my classroom!  Principal will deal with that!!! Started to assess students to ascertain their levels of learning and to plan my program of work.
Wednesday- Its really difficult and challenging to be at a new level! i am facing personal challenges in trying to adapt to this level since i have not been here for more than 10 years! It is taking a toll on my health and i am wondering if i will overcome! its really difficult to teach topics of which i have very little knowledge and i hope that the powers that be can see that it is too difficult for a teacher without such knowledge to teach subjects such a Agriculture, Dance, Physical Ed and Drama!
Thursday- settling in to work ..... difficulty is the pace at which the students work and having to build their speed and focus! Children are at various stages and a few of them really need individual attention and special ed care but the MOE has dissolved these units and i am not trained in Special Ed.
Friday- We are all disenchanted with the working conditions and the pace of negotiations in our country. Teachers are working on a 2008 salary and its sad that we do not even have money to buy groceries or send our children to school. My house needs alot of work to be done on it and it scares me that i am unable to go to any financial institution and not qualify due to the state of my finances!  i cannot save from what i don't have. So i marched with my colleagues and i feel the support but i really want to see a difference in my bank account! Its the 8th of the month and i have less than $20.00 how am i going to take care of my family and work proficiently for the rest of the month!

Sunday 2 September 2012

Back to work!

So its Sunday evening and as we gather our things for the return to work tomorrow, i remind myself as to why i do what i do and how what i do affects others! good evening all!