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Monday 20 August 2012

Its a new day!

Two weeks before school reopens! As we get ready to get back to work we should pay attention to ourselves and ponder our choices for the term.
Found this at Prolific and decided to share!

Happiness happens right there in your heart and it starts with theright mindset, which leads to decisions that lead to actions. Actions such as elimination of the wrong things.

Here’s the top 8 things to eliminate right away:
  1. Bad thoughts – You are your thoughts and if you knew the power of those thoughts, you’d never think a negative one. I heard that somewhere. And it bears a lot of truth.
  2. Bad foods – You know whether you are eating it or not and you know what you need to do. Enough said.
  3. Bad health habits- Anything goes here, alcohol consumption, substance abuse, smoking, sloth, overeating, oversleeping, you name it.
  4. Bad relationships – Or any relationship that doesn’t get you all excited and thrilled to be in the presence of this other person.
  5. Bad job or career – The kind that zaps the life and energy out of you before lunchtime, the kind that nauseates you, the kind that you do just to get a paycheck but can barely stand. That!
  6. Bad news or information – Stuff you read, watch or otherwise consume. There is awareness and being in the know and obsessing over information that takes up precious time and resources away.
  7. Bad self-image – Which is tied so much to poor self-care. Those awful thoughts around your appearance to the world, most of which is made up. Our imagination can be a terrible thing.
  8. Bad perspective – Your perception of the world will become reality. When you realize how powerful this is, you will choose the best perspective and let go of all the bad ones.
Do something about everything in your life and it is impossible not to see your strength become unified and your energy gather about you in amazing ways. It will become impossible NOT to reach your goals when you have eliminated the things that get in the way.

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